Welcome to the Linda Blair Worldheart Foundation


Dear LBWF Family,

I have been fighting on behalf of bully breeds since the early 2000’s. I stood on the steps of the California State House to ensure breed ban legislation would not impact our beloved bully breeds. Over 16 years later, it’s still an issue of debate.

States across America are considering voting like Montreal. They passed one of the most dangerous, life-threatening breed ban legislations we’ve seen, despite the positive press and hard work myself and others have put in. We work to show that the problem is not with the dog, but rather the “owner”.
I am beside myself with grief and frustration, that I have not been able to dedicate the time necessary to continue with this fight, because I’ve been deep in the trenches of California’s pet overpopulation crisis. Thousands of animals die in California shelters each week.

So, I am calling on YOU, our faithful LBWF family, because our small team may be mighty, but it’s not enough anymore! We need to expand across the state, the nation, and across the borders with our message.

It starts with EDUCATION!

Why BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) does NOT work:

• It’s not financially sound and has NO scientific basis. It often ties up community resources while cases are determined
• Many folks cannot properly identify the breed in question
• Any dog (or companion animal for that matter) can bite
• It’s not supported by the following organizations: American Bar Association, American Kennel Club, American Veterinary Medical Association, American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Natl. Animal Control Association, National Canine Research Council, State Farm Insurance, The US Department of Justice

We also need more education on:

• The importance and necessity of spaying and neutering, so we can end pet overpopulation
• Ending puppy mills once and for all, so we can end the senseless suffering of mama dogs whose feet oftentimes never touch the ground
• The importance of micro-chipping, so beloved pets can return home
• The importance of vaccinations, so we can eradicate diseases like parvo that leave innocent puppies suffering
• Updating our licensing laws so that pet “owners” are held responsible for their animal’s actions, not the animal.
• Updating pet “ownership” laws – we are pet guardians, meant to serve and protect are beloved companion animals

We need your financial contributions now more than ever, so we can expand our programming and really dive into the key points listed above.

Be a voice in your community. Use social media to spread the message about the important aforementioned topics. Support your local shelters and rescues. They need you just as much as we do! And, donate today so we can expand our efforts!

Together we CAN make a difference.

With much love and gratitude,
Linda Blair
Founder and President

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