About Linda Blair

Many people know Linda Blair as an Oscar-nominated actress and entertainer but not everyone may know her for her love of animals and her never ending quest to give them the love and respect they deserve.
Linda’s mother at a very young age taught her the importance of being compassionate to ALL animals. So much so that even as a child she had aspirations of becoming a veterinarian. Though this dream may have not been the one to come to fruition she continued to honor her love of animals by hosting farm sanctuary events, advocating for dolphin, whales and ocean conservation, and over all shinning a lite on the crisis of animal cruelty in America.
As she began to realize the gravity of the problem, it became obvious that relieving the suffering of animals and having a widespread impact as an animal advocate would require more than her voice and efforts alone. Because of this the Linda Blair WorldHeart Foundation was created, a 501(c)(3) California non-for profit organization that protected the ones who were unable to protect themselves. By creating this organization she could not only help by finding loving forever homes for these precious creatures but also become a reliable resource for up to date pet care and assist in the awareness of these persisting animal cruelties.
Linda Blair thanks you and all of her loving supporters who continue to make this world a better place for us and all of our fellow creatures!