About Us
Our Mission
LBWF is an animal and human welfare organization. Our mission is to alleviate suffering, while rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming abused, neglected and abandoned animals. We aid in crisis situations, while educating, encouraging and empowering the public to make a difference in the lives of those whom have no voice.
Who We Are
The Linda Blair WorldHeart Foundation is built of a group of inspired, motivated humanitarians who work tirelessly to fight animal cruelty by educating the public, animal rescue, and finding loving families to give the helpless a second chance at a happy life. Founded by Oscar nominated and renown animal activist Linda Blair to bring the much needed attention to the growing problems related to animal welfare and the work required to stop animal abuse and neglect.
What We Do
LBWF is a unique safe haven for animals providing top-quality, lifelong care to the animals it rescues.
We emphasize proper nutrition, provide first-class veterinary care, comfortable facilities, training, socializing, and of course, an abundance of love.
Using the media as an outlet for education, we hope to raise the level of awareness on important issues such as pet overpopulation and dog fighting, as well as debunking the unfounded, illogical and fear-based arguments that all too often lead to breed-specific bans and the heartbreaking extermination of beautiful animals whose only crime is having been born.
The recent economic recession and financial crisis have resulted in a record number of foreclosures and people aren’t the only ones to suffer in times like these. Homelessness is a harsh reality facing more and more animals, as people heartlessly abandon them or are reluctantly forced to leave them behind at already overcrowded shelters because they can no longer afford to care for them.
Please help us give these loving, loyal and wonderful animals a safe place to live a happy life. There are a variety of ways you can help, from making a tax-deductible cash donation, purchasing something from our CafePress store or bidding on one of Linda’s eBay auction items to volunteering at our facility or becoming a desperately needed foster family for our rescues.
Increasing Our Impact
After 3 long years of searching, the foundation’s journey came full circle with the acquisition of an A2 zoned property in Acton, CA. The property is beautiful and provides a wonderful temporary home to animals that have been through so much.
We’re very proud of how far we’ve come and incredibly thankful for the donations of both money and time from our dedicated supporters, friends and volunteers. Much has been accomplished, but we still have a long way to go!
We are constantly working to construct additional buildings to shelter our rescued animals from high desert winds and cold. We’re also busy installing additional fencing and plumbing, as well as creating new play yards – just to list a few of the ongoing projects that help us meet our animals’ most basic needs.
Always on our shopping list…
- Wire Crates 42″-48″
- Chain Link
- Recycled Plywood
- Trees for shade and wind protection
- Dog food
- Dog Treats
- Dog Toys
- Dog Beds
- Blankets
- Collars and Leashes
- Stainless Steel Water and Food Bowls
- Heavy Duty garbage bags
- Paper towels
These gift cards can always be put to good use…
- Home Depot or Lowe’s Gift Cards
- PetSmart or Petco Gift Cards
Our “wouldn’t it be wonderful” wish list…
- Cargo Van for transporting animals
- Energy and Water Efficient Washer (top loading) and Dryer
Looking Into The Future
Ultimately our goal is to build a reliable and smooth-running facility that will allow Linda to focus much of her attention on educating the public about critical issues such as overpopulation, the importance of having pets spayed or neutered, animal abuse, neglect and the plight of woefully misunderstood breeds like American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier – often collectively referred to as “Pit Bulls”.
While our first priority is to provide a loving and safe environment for our rescued animals, fundamentally we hope to have an impact on a much larger and far-reaching scale. Ours is a mission of education that will help people develop the same respect, love and admiration for animals that we have.